In this study, it was aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to determine teachers' curriculum literacy self-efficacy levels. In the scale development process, firstly, the theoretical framework was determined and an item pool was created, the item pool was examined by Turkish Language and Literature field experts, Curriculum and Instruction field experts were consulted for face validity and content validity was checked with the Lawshe Technique according to the opinions of eight faculty members working in the field of Curriculum and Instruction. In line with the content validity analysis, ten items were excluded from the scale. After the preliminary trial application with 18 teachers, a trial application was started and exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were carried out on the data obtained from 337 teachers constituting the first study group. In the second stage of the application, the scale was applied to 350 teachers in the second study group. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted on the data obtained from the second study group. As a result of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses conducted within the scope of construct validity control, it was seen that the scale had a single-factor structure and item factor loadings ranged between .681 and .857. Two-stage reliability analysis showed that the item-total correlation values obtained from the first study group ranged between .67 and .84, and the item-total correlation values obtained from the second study group ranged between .68 and .89. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficients obtained from the study groups were 0.98 and 0.99. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the 42-item, one-factor "Curriculum Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale" is a valid and reliable measurement tool.
Keywords: Curriculum literacy, Scale development, Validity, Reliability