This study was carried out according to the opinions of teachers and administratorsto determine the effects of the competences of the administrators working in educational institutions to copewith the crisis, their crisis management skills, and the methods they prefer to use in crisis situations that they encounteron the quality of education. The research is a descriptive study usingthe scanning model. Research population of the research consisted of permanent administrators and teachers working for district national education directorate of Beylikdüzü İstanbul. The research sample consists of 255 teachers and 138 administrators that determined among research population of 2019-2020 academic yearby using the disproportional sampling technique. The "Crisis Management and Resolution Skills of School Administrators" scale, which was prepared by using the "Crisis Management Skills of Primary School Principals" scale developed by Aksu and Deveci (2009), was applied to the participants. According to the results of the research; While the crisis management skills of school administrators were generally at the level of "I agree", this rate was observed to be lower compared to teachers' opinions.The administrators and teachers’ opinions differ significantlyaccording to their seniority, age and whether they received crisis education or not According to the variable of whether the school administrators received crisis education or not, in all sub dimensions a difference was observed in the crisis management skills of the administrators who received crisis education compared to those who did not.
Keywords: Crisis, crisis management, teacher, manager