The aim of this study is to analyze the thesis studies on talent management in a comprehensive and holistic manner between the years 2006-2021 in Turkey. In this study, content analysis method was used. The universe of the study consists of the theses related to talent management, which are included in the database of YÖK National Thesis Center and made between 2006-2021, and the sample consists of a total of 132 theses (master's and doctorate) made in Turkey that meet the criteria determined in the study and are open to access. The data collected at the end of the study were transferred to the Excel program, summary tables were used, and then the analyzes were completed by making tables visually and the frequency of the obtained categories was given. When theses are examined in general; The university, where the most theses were written, was evaluated in terms of content and subject, such as the method used, the distribution of the number of theses by years. As a result of the study, the institutions with the most thesis written; It has been determined that mostly quantitative analysis methods are used as research methods in Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul University, Marmara University and Beykent University.
Keywords: Talent management, content analysis, national thesis center