In this article, the reflections of the problem "homelessness" in the field of art will be examined through three different art works created by Andres Serrano within the framework of the subject. The artist focuses on the problem of homelessness in the state of New York, United States, in his art series titled "Nomads” (1990), "Sign of the Times (2013) and “Residents of New York” (2014). Human body is the smallest unit that forms the social structure. It’s effects of its situation between the dilemma of existence and absence in social and psychological areas, will be covered through the dialogues held with the participants that took place in the artist's project. The coding and positioning of the body within the framework of the definition and classification of homeless / homelessness will be mentioned. Besides, the process of transforming the problem into an art work in a creative way will be evaluated.
Keywords: Andres Serrano, homeless, homelesness, body, “Nomads”, “Sign of the Times”, “Residents of New York”