Ulakbilge - Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Cilt 8, Sayı 46  2020/3  (ISSN: 2148-0451, E-ISSN: )
Mustafa SAĞDIÇ

NO Makale Adı

Faculties of Science and Letters are the basis of university education, on the one hand, where theoretical knowledge is produced in the basic and social sciences, and on the other hand, by giving service courses to the students of all faculties at the university. Therefore, the impact of Faculty of Science and Letters on teacher education cannot be denied. The aim of this study is to reveal the roles of the Faculty of Science and Letters in the teacher training from the pre-Republic to today with a historical perspective. Document analysis method was used in the research. The main data source of the research was the decisions taken by the relevant institutions, especially the Ministry of National Education and Higher Education Institution. Although academic content and general education courses were held at the undergraduate level in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for many years, teaching vocational courses remained at the level of high school and college. Teaching vocational courses were only upgraded to the undergraduate level after 1980. This long-standing academic level difference also made it difficult to ensure a healthy communication between the Faculty of Science and Letters and Education Faculties. However, in this new period, the role conflict in teacher training took on a new dimension. Education Faculties were added to the problems previously experienced between the Ministry of National Education and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. During the restructuring of the 1997-1998 Education Faculties, some radical decisions were made by separating the education faculties from the Faculty of Science and Letters. However, this structuring process has not been successful, especially since sufficient coordination has not been achieved among institutions, and education faculties have gradually started to develop great similarities among the Faculty of Science and Letters. Turkey has been seeking in the new teacher training. In this context, it is recommended to train teachers in a qualified university and developed campus environment considering all dimensions of teacher training.

Keywords: Faculty of Science and Letters, Teacher Training, Turkey, Faculty of Education