School satisfaction is the state in which a student enjoys the educational process and the time he/she spends at school. High level of school satisfaction positively affects students’ academic achievement and self-image and contributes to their social development. Some other individual characteristics such as attending to lessons, attention, recall and perceived control affect learning outcomes and academic achievement. This study was conducted with 3rd and 4th grade students at primary school level 253 students from private and public primary schools participated in the study. Personal Information Form, Overall School Satisfaction Scale for Children, Time Orientation during Classroom Disengagement Scale for primary school children, and General Perceived Control Scale for primary school children were used as data collection tools. Quantitative data analysis methods were used in the research which is based on quantitative research approach and correlational survey design. In the data analysis process, t test and multiple regression analysis were used. There was no difference in school satisfaction of students based on gender and grade level. Results revealed that total time orientation during classroom disengagement, the first variable that was investigated in terms of its effect on school satisfaction, explained the students’ school satisfaction in a significant and negative way.
Keywords: Perceived control, school satisfaction, classroom disengagement, time orientation