The travel agencies are important companies which mediate between touristic products and consumers and contribute to the economy and the promotion of a country with their various functions. The travel agencies which dominate an important place in tourism industry, need various financial resources to have superiority and continuity in challenging competitive environment of the market during their duration of activity although they do not require a great investment during their establishment phase. For travel agencies, the issue of which financial resources to be used has the vital role to sustain their existence. For this reason, the main purpose of this research is to determine the financial resources used by A group travel agencies and the reasons for use. The research is a descriptive study as presenting a situation related to a problem. Therefore, the qualitative research has been used in this study as method. Sample of the research is composed by A group travel agencies based in Kusadasi. The research data has been obtained through semi-structured interviews carried out with the specified sample. The obtained data have been analyzed by the content analyses method and it has been found out that the long term funding resources used by A group travel agencies are same with the other businesses and the short and medium term funding resources are different than the other businesses.
Key Words: A Group Travel Agencies, Short and Medium Term, Financial Resources, Long Term Financial Resources Kusadasi.