The development of communication eliminated the time and space limit, which at the same time brought the acceleration of exchange of information between countries and societies, and made it possible for society's people to be immediately informed of the news in the world. Capitalist countries, which have wisdom and technology in the world, have become dominant over other developing countries. Whereat with the aid of communication and technological infrastructure they have been able to manage these countries economically-politically, or culturally and ideologically. The superior countries in international news distribution dominate other undeveloped or developing countries and with international media outlets they consolidate and maintain this superiority. These international media holdings, which are used as heart’s-blood of the media organizations in developing countries, in order to influence or disinterest public opinion determine news choices according to some political, economic and diplomatic criteria. Besides, when events in the developing countries adhered to "super-capitalist forces", they will be transformed into a news by international media organizations. Thus, the news of international news agencies reflect neither the interests nor the social reality of the developing countries like Kyrgyzstan.In this study were examined foreign news which published in news agencies in Kyrgyzstan in the context of international news flow and by the way there were attempted to explain how the news agencies were influenced by the one-way news flow. In this research were used literature review and content analysis.
Key Words: International Media, information flow, news agencies, Kyrgyzstan, Information sources