Ulakbilge - Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Cilt 4, Sayı 8  Güz 2016  (ISSN: 2148-0451, E-ISSN: )
Nuran ACAR

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Breathable, who escorted us in every aspect of our lives and our survival is our primary activity, allowing for quality of life in a healthy way. quality of breaths taken the right technique, you need both health professional sense should perhaps take advantage of individuals who want to achieve success in life is the primary rule. When the diaphragm is born with assisted breathing lungs of every person's life starts to grow to keep up with the flurry lose this special and important skills. First and foremost, which is important for our body health, including every aspect of proper breathing, especially correct use of the voice carries particular importance. In this article, breathing subject discussed, correct breathing and our lives have tried to give us information about the benefits of both vocal training.

Key Words: Breath, The diaphragm, Singing